Ancient Egyptian Books Blog

The Gurob Ship-Cart Model

The Gurob Ship-Cart Model In 1920 W.M. F. Petrie assigned G. Brunton and R. Engleback to excavate Gurob, a site that he had first examined three decades earlier. That season yielded a remarkable wooden...

Talatat Blocks Depiction

Two adjoining talatat blocks depicting a partial river scene with two ceremonial royal barges. They originated from Amarna, although they were recovered from Hermopolis on the opposite (west) bank of the Nile. Following the...

Shuffling box of Pa-ni-Rutenutet

Shuffling box of Pa-ni-Rutenutet (grave equipment / shabti) Historical dating: Seti II painted Wood To store the so-called shabtis, which were added to the deceased in the grave and as his deputies to take...

Karnak Temple

Karnak is the modern-day name for the ancient site of the Temple of Amun at Thebes, Egypt. The Egyptians called the site Nesut-Towi, “Throne of the Two Lands”, Ipet-Iset, “The Finest of Seats” as well...

Tutankhamun Cartouches

Names in cartouches of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (and original name Tutankhaton, left). In Egyptology, it is believed that the names of the pharaoh changed in the 4th year of his reign. According to the Egyptologist Cerny,...

Pharaoh Wearing The ‘Atef’

Pharaoh ptolemaic wearing the ‘Atef’ crown on his head. Detail of a painted relief from one of the chapels of the temple of the goddess Hathor from Deir El-Medina, Luxor, western shore, Egypt.

Mummy-Case of Padimut

Mummy-Case of Padimut… • This is one of many detailed scenes adorning the mummy-case of Padimut, a priest and engraver who lived in ancient Thebes in the 22nd Dynasty, c.945-712 BC. Coffin paintings such as...

Queen Hatshepsut

Queen Hatshepsut (ruled c. 1478–1458 BC) was a pharaoh of the 18th dynasty during Egypt’s New Kingdom period. Her name means “Foremost of Noble Ladies”. When her husband Thutmose II died, she took power...

Limestone Painted and Carved

A painted and carved limestone relief that once decorated a wall in the Theban tomb (TT34) of Montuemhet, the ‘Fourth Priest of Amun, the Mayor of Thebes’ in Luxor. It dates to circa 656...


COMING SOON Ancient Egyptian Goddess ISIS _-(Image from A Back Cover Of A Book)The word ISIS is believed to mean “throne”.  ISIS as one of the female Goddess of the Ancient Egyptians, was the…......

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