Ancient Egyptian Books Blog

Ancient Egyptian Artist Work

this is actually life, stability, and dominion (ankh, djed, was). A little rusty folks! But the wish for ankh wedja seneb is still my intent. There are already enough tossing around of “was” :-\ Life, prosperity...

Statue of Ramesses

Statue of Ramesses II, one that is not so well known, and looking at it you may not immediately associate it with Ramesses II. This seated statue of Ramesses II wearing the Double Crown...


TUTMOSIS IV. A DREAMER IN THE THRONE OF EGYPT They tell ancient languages that about 3400 years ago lived in Egypt a prince named Djehuty-month, better known as Tutmosis, his Hellenized name. He was one...

Egyptian Relief of Princess Sitamun

Egyptian Relief of Princess Sitamun, daughter of Amenhotp III. Petrie Museum, London. Sitamun (also Sitamen, Satamun; c. 1370 BCE–unknown) was an Ancient Egyptian princess and queen consort during the 18th dynasty. Sitamun is considered...

Facsimile of a drawing by Nina

Facsimile of a drawing by Nina by Garis Davies reproducing a picture of the 66 QV grave, located in the Valley of Queens. In it we can see the Great Royal Wife, the Great, the...

land of Egypt

The land of Egypt still holds wonders in store for active men who are not afraid of exposing themselves to the fatigue of all kinds that excavations demand. For more than nineteen centuries that...

Statue of King Seti II

Statue of King Seti II…The striding king wears an enormous crown composed of the Lower Egyptian crown surmounted by an elaborate Atef-crown over a wig. his shendyt (kilt-like garment) is decorated with a belt...

Sculpture Of Tutankhamun

A quartzite fragment of a larger sculpture of King Tutankhamun depicted as the god Amun. This piece will be sold by the Resandro Collection (a private collection) in an auction at Christie’s in London,...

Amenhotep III – Tiye Colossal Statue

Colossal Statue of Amenhotep III and Queen TiyeThis colossal statue of Amenhotep III and Tiye is a group statue of Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III, his Royal Wife Tiye, and three of their daughters. It...

The royal scribe

The royal scribe and chief priest-reader Nebmerutef The royal scribe Nebmertuf writing under the protection of the Moon God Thoth, patron of the scribes (schist). Reign of Amenhotep III. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty, ca....