Ancient Egyptian Books Blog

Relief Fragment

This relief fragment I find fascinating because it depicts 5 offering bearers with 4 having names based on Khnum. This is discussed in Egyptian Studies III: Varia Nova. Fischer, Henry George (1996).p.8The color image...

Goddess Nut

According to @AncientEgyptianBooks research into the Ancient Egyptian Mythology Goddess Nut is that she is the Goddess of the sky and heavens. Believed by @AncientEgyptianBooks to be the 2nd daughter of Goddess Hathor and...

Statue of Ahmose-Nefertari

Statue of Ahmose-Nefertari One of the most influential and revered women in Egyptian history was Queen Ahmose-Nefertari. This wooden statuette shows her standing, with her right arm stretched along her side; the left is...

Ancient Egypt Coffin

When Djedkhonsiu-ef-ankh died nearly 3,000 years ago, he was mummified, wrapped in fine linen and sewn into his plaster and linen mummy case. This case was carefully painted in bright colours and the face...

Scorpion Gold Pendant

Gold pendant in the shape of a scorpion with the head of the goddess Isis Headset. Jewelry of Queen Karomama, mother of the pharaoh of the XXIII dynasty of Osorkon III, Egyptian museum. Karomama...

Hathor columns

Detail of one of the Hathor columns in the south end of the second level of Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple in Deir El Bahri, in the Hathor Chapel. Hathor, Lady of the Stars, Eye of...

Guest at a funeral banquet

Guest at a funeral banquet in Ramose’s tomb at Luxor.’ Guests at the funeral banquet of Ramose adorn the wall left of the entrance to his tomb. Here we see Apuya, mother of Ramose,...


RITUAL RACE 1. Racing is ancient ceremonies held at the king’s coronation ceremonies. 2. The Heb Thirst was a festival normally celebrated by the thirty-year reign, which was aimed at renewing the power of...

Jewel Chest of Tjuyu

Jewel Chest of Tjuyu Found empty of any jewels as the tomb was robbed in antiquity, the chest bears the name of Amenhotep III son-in-law of Tjuyu, who placed it in the tomb as offering....


THE ROSETTA STONE I could hardly imagine Pharaoh Ptolemy V Epifanes, king of Egypt from 204 to 181 BC., that a wake, crafted after the ceremony of its official coronation, would change the history...