The symbol for Goddess Ma’at is a single feather, she is often depicted as a woman wearing a single feather on her head and at times her presences is noted just by the display of a single feather or a grouping of single feathers. The long-standing view has been that Goddess Ma’at’s feather is that of Ostrich birds. However, the only information we were able to find on the Ostrich bird’s connection to the Ancient Egyptians is that the Ostrich was hunted for its Meat and its feathers used for Fashion.

It is by the lack of information out there about the Ostrich link to the feather of Goddess Ma’at, that we began to look into God Thoth and his symbol the IBIS bird, as a source of influence behind the origination of Goddess Ma’at single feather symbol. (for more on God Thoth and the IBIS bird, pls read our post on him).

Our finding shows that, when the IBIS bird became the symbol of the Ancient Egyptian God Thoth, and Thoth been the God of Wisdom, the IBIS bird has also obtained the same title as the God of Wisdom. Our finding also shows that the IBIS bird Originally belonged to Goddess Hathor either as a symbol or as a pet. When Goddess Hathor gave birth to her 2nd Child Goddess Ma’at, A single feather from the IBIS bird ( the IBIS bird is the symbol of God Thoth and represents Wisdom) was presented to Goddess Ma’at which became her symbol and stands for Truth, Law, and Order..

For the full Story on Goddess Ma’at, Read Our Post Title Goddess Ma’at now and all Our Future Post @ https://ancientegyptianbooks.org/goddess-maat/ by becoming a paid member.

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