Guest at a funeral banquet

Guest at a funeral banquet in Ramose’s tomb at Luxor.’ Guests at the funeral banquet of Ramose adorn the wall left of the entrance to his tomb. Here we see Apuya, mother of Ramose, wearing a wig, held in place by a headband with a lotus flower at the front. The scene is carved with very fine detail into limestone and left uncoloured except for the eyes of the figure. Ramose was an 18th dynasty ‘Governor of the Town’ (of Thebes) and Vizier during the transition of the reigns of Amenhotep III and Echnaton. His tomb (TT 55) is located in the Sheikh Abd el Qurnah Necropolis on the Westbank at Luxor and is one of the so-called “Tombs of the Nobles”. It is uncertain whether he was ever buried in this tomb or that he followed Echnaton to his new capital near Amarna and was buried there

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