They tell ancient languages that about 3400 years ago lived in Egypt a prince named Djehuty-month, better known as Tutmosis, his Hellenized name. He was one of the many children of Pharaoh Amenhotep II and his secondary wife named Tiaa; and consequently, grandson of the great Tutmosis III; great grandson of Tutmosis II and great-grandson of Tutmosis I.

His hopes for access to the Egyptian throne were virtually null, because other royal children preceded him in dynastic rights, whether for reasons of age or birth, depending on the ladder of the other royal wives, mothers of their brothers.

But fate is as unpredictable as whimsical, so lucky that when his father died, after a 30-year reign according to some and 25, in the opinion of others (I will add that the people of my village think they are 27); the candidates for the throne who had previous rights to theirs had already died, so surprisingly to all, he was pharaoh with the name of Men-Jeperu-Ra, which we could translate as ′′ Estables (Men) are the men Transformations (Jeper plus a U to form the plural) of Ra “.

I understand your strangeness when you see that someone can be called that, but don’t forget it’s adoption a name of reign, something they’ve been doing over the centuries both kings and potatoes.

But in order to honor the truth, I have to tell you that besides fate, a transcending fact happened for the Prince to become the new living Horus. It happened that one good day, during a hunt in Giza, Tutmosis sat down to rest in the shadow of the Sphinx, falling so deeply asleep that he had the dream that would change his life. In the dream, Ra promised him that if he liberated the Sphinx from the sand that covered him, he would be king of Egypt.
The young prince didn’t trust at all that the solar god could fulfill his promise, but just in case, he put a good group of people to work through sandy spurs until the Sphinx was released from its legs.
Ra also fulfilled his part of the covenant and thus our sleeping prince became the eighth pharaoh of the XVIII dynasty.

The most significant feature of his reign is determined by a clear flirting with the solar cult, possibly as a thank you for having been Ra the architect of his ascent to the Egyptian throne, as well as to give continuity to the line started by his father by giving first, shy and bubbly steps, trying to limit the immense power that Amon’s clergy had gained since the beginning of the New Kingdom, an idea that his son Amenhotep III will eventually develop and that his grandson Amenhotep IV-Akenaton will conclude.

The image accompanying this text is a detail of the call Estela del Sueño, situated between the front legs of the Sphinx, which as you know you can admire on the Giza Plain, very close to the Kefren pyramid. The Estela is a formidable granite block measuring 3,60 meters tall, weighs 15 tons of weight and was commanded to erect by the Pharaoh in his first year of reign.

The texts indicate that King of the High and Lower Egypt, the Lord of the Two Lands; Men-Jeperu-Ra; The Son of Ra, Djehuty Month Jajau; touched with a splendid Jepresh blue crown on which they have recorded two symbols to inform us who is endowed with life, offers with his incense left hand, while the right holds a jaret leaning to make a purifying libation.
These gestures are dedicated to the Sphinx before it and to those who are identified by hieroglyphics as Hrw-em-Akhet, which comes to say, Horus of the horizon.

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